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Can your thoughts heal another person, even from across the globe? Can meditation create "superhuman" levels of perception? Do prayer and intention actually affect reality? A few decades ago, scientists would have dismissed such ideas as superstition. Today, a growing body of persuasive research has turned many scientific thinkers into believers in the power of spiritual practice. Measuring the Immeasurable brings together some of the most prominent and informed authorities on the new frontier where science and spirituality intersect, including: * Dr. Gary Small's (The Longevity Bible, Hyperion, 2007) new evidence on lifestyle changes that improve our brain function * Daniel Goleman (Social Intelligence, Bantam, 2007) on "the brain's melody" and our moment-to-moment perceptions * Gregg Braden (The Divine Matrix, Hay House, 2006) on how prayer and intention can affect events on a global scale * Bruce H. Lipton (The Biology of Belief, Mountain of Love, 2005) on the science of epigenetics, and how consciousness shapes our health, genetics, and evolution * Lynne McTaggart (The Field, Harper, 2008) with the latest results from her ongoing "Intention Experiment".

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 650 Pages
  • File Size: 2,735 KB

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