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"A stodgy parent is no fun at all. What a child wants and deserves is a parent who is sparky"

Danny has the most marvellous and exciting father anyone ever had. He can repair any car or machine that people bring to him, loves going on adventures with Danny and tells him incredible stories around the stove in the cozy caravan they call home.

The land around them belongs to Mr Hazell, a rich bully who NOBODY likes, not one-little bit. So, Danny and his father concoct a daring plot that will give Mr Hazell the greatest shock of his life.

But can they pull off this level of mischief-making without getting caught... ?

The text in this edition of Danny the Champion of the World was updated in 2022 for young independent readers.

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  • We started tracking this book on January 25, 2012.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 367 Pages

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