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Glamour (Rae Wilder Book 1)

by (Stephenson & Fletcher)

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Supernatural creatures swarm the earth, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Stalked by a handsome fairy who claims she is like him, demonkind, Rae Wilder thinks maybe it was a mistake breaking the rules by going over the Wall into demon territory.

Plunged into a world of dark magics, fierce creatures, and ritual sacrifice, she is charged with a guarding a magical amulet. The changes to her mind and body are startling, but rather than accept her purpose she struggles against who she is destined to be. Throw in a big lust for a vampire who can't keep his hands off her, and life starts to get complicated.

Rae is forced to make the ultimate choice: to live and die human, or embrace her birth-right and wield magics that could turn her into something wicked, a force of nature nothing can control.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 254 Pages
  • File Size: 622 KB

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