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Discover the classic story of a beautiful horse with an unbreakable spirit.

One of the best loved animal stories ever written, the dramatic and heartwarming Black Beauty is told by the magnificent horse itself, from idyllic days on a country squire's estate to a harsh fate as a London cab horse. No one can ever forget the gallant Black Beauty, a horse with a white star on its forehead and a heart of unyielding courage.

Filled with vivid anecdotes about animal intelligence, the novel derives a special magic from the author's love for all creatures, apparent on every page. But the book's lasting impact comes from its moving depiction of a human society struggling to find the goodness within itself, and its pleas for kindness to all creatures, great and small -- a message so powerful that this favorite classic began a crusade for animal rights that continues today.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 152 Pages
  • File Size: 802 KB

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