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The Collected Clinical Works of Alfred Adler, Volume 6 - Journal Articles: 1927-1931

by (Alfred Adler Institute of Northwestern Washington)

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This volume opens with a provocative article wherein Adler challenges traditonal assumptions about character and talent, and argues his belief in the potential of intensive training. In twenty-six articles published from 1927 to 1931, Adler devotes several to the varied aspects of neurosis, including: cause, prevention, structure, unity, theory, role-playing, and the similarities to tricks and jokes. In three articles, he amplifies earlier discussions of dream theory, including the related issues of sleeplessness, and enuresis. Two articles address crime and criminals, while another offers a penetrating, timely insight into the psychology of power. Several miscellaneous topics are discussed in articles covering: courage, feelings, emotions, reason, intelligence, mental retardation,and an unusual issue, widow neurosis. Perhaps the most controversial article of all is "Alfred Adler on America," notes taken at one of his lectures by a physician, where Adler compares the American and European cultures, critiquing our
preoccupation with ambition, competition, and speed, as well as our tendency to
pamper children. One of the most important statements of his philosophical
position appears in "The Meaning of Life," translated by Sophia de Vries. From
this article, we can see why Alexander Mueller considered Individual Psychology
a dynamic stimulus to the discipline of philosophical anthropology.


The Collected Clinical Works of Alfred Adler, Volume 7 - Journal Articles: 1931-1937: Birth Order & Eaarl Memories, Social Interest & Education, Technique of Treatment
Authored by Alfred Adler
List Price: $59.00
8" x 10.5" (20.32 x 26.67 cm)
Black & White on White paper
242 pages
Alfred Adler Institute
ISBN-13: 978-0971564589
ISBN-10: 0971564582
BISAC: Psychology / General,
Psychology / Interpersonal Relations

Adler's journal articles, written between 1931 and 1937, encapsulate the most mature expression of his ideas on theory and practice. Of the twenty-eight articles included in this volume, five are devoted to child development: selection of symptoms, consequences of pampering, prevention of delinquency, and education. Another five cover theoretical issues: self-consistent unity of personality, structures of psychic activity, striving for superiority, and social interest. In three articles about psychopathology, he addresses the neurotic's character, symptoms, and picture of the world, as well as the prevention of neurosis; five more articles contain his ideas on compulsion neurosis, fear of women, alcohol and drug abuse, the mind-body connection, and psychosomatic disturbances. He offers practical diagnostic guidance in two articles about family constellation and earliest recollections. Finally, he provides a dramatic comparison to psychoanalysis, and then a rare insight into the technique of psychotherapy. This volume is an essential resource for anyone wishing to gain an in-depth understanding of Adler's remarkable, timeless insights into human nature and their yet-to-be-realized potential.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 254 Pages
  • File Size: 625 KB

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