



Friendly. Useful. Current. Written by a collection of well-known authors for new authors, The Complete Guide to Writing Paranormal Novels: Volume 1 covers a wide range of topics necessary for building your first paranormal novel. Paranormal novels are found in all sections of the fiction bookstore. One of the most prevalent forms of fantasy masquerading as romances, mysteries, general fiction and urban fantasy, this guide has tips and topics specific to writing a variety of paranormal novels. With chapters on: Angels & Benevolent Spirits
Yes, Virginia, There are Ghosts
Fae, Fey, Faery, Fairy-A Quick Glance into the Abyss
A Map to the Charted "Unknown"
Love, Romance, Sex and... 'Tis A Mystery
Self-Editing: Have fun with It
How to Win Agents and Influence Editors Dropped Eyes and Unattached Tentacles
Were, Oh Were
Lesser Creatures of the Paranormal
Writing for Children and Young Adults
It's Time to Travel
Marketing for Writers
A Hard, Honest Look at Critiquing
Critique Groups: Another Experience
A League of Extraordinary Characters
This guide will provide a solid path to completing that first novel by offering detailed help and reference material to get you writing.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 405 Pages
  • File Size: 1,067 KB

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