



Lightspeed Magazine features all types of sf, from near-future, sociological soft sf, to far-future, star-spanning hard sf, and anything and everything in between. In the August 2010 issue, Catherynne M. Valente teaches us "How to Become a Mars Overlord," with her step-by-step program that enables each and every one of us to find the right Mars for us to rule over; Tananarive Due tells the tragic story of "Patient Zero" in her chilling account of a child being raised in isolation, ignorant of an apocalyptic infection raging in the outside world; in the audacious "Arvies," author Adam-Troy Castro tells the story of a post-poverty utopia in which everybody lucky enough to be plugged into the society's opportunities gets to do whatever the heck they want to do with their lives, indulging their slightest whims -- including living their lives inside a living womb; and for our final fiction selection of the month, we present "More Than the Sum of His Parts" by Joe Haldeman, an examination of one man's transformation from human to cyborg that asks the question: As a person becomes less and less organic, might they become less and less human?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 92 Pages
  • File Size: 349 KB

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