



They haunt us all.

Those whispered tales of monsters hiding under the bed, or of the demons lurking in the shadowy corner where we dare not glance for fear that seeing them will make them all too real. Oh, how the innocent landscape of a child's imagination lends fertile soil to horrors ready to be sown on the slightest of sounds; the tales and the terror they wreak on our youthful minds never quite leave us.

We asked the authors in this collection to reach into the forgotten recesses of their twisted minds and share with us the tales of nightmares that can only thrive in the hidden corners of a child's imaginings; the bogeyman under the bed, the outlandishly fiendish creature lurking in the dark, the slight murmur of sound coming from the hall... did you close the door completely?

Explore the myriad of terrors that only a child can twist from nothing into some 'thing' in the span of a single rapid breath. Do you dare delve into your own memories? Perhaps you'll start sleeping with the lights on again...

Tell us, who is Under the Bed?

Contributing Authors include Colin F. Barnes, Nina D'Arcangela, Phil Hickes, Amber Keller, Kim Krodel, Lisamarie Lamb, John McIlveen, Kate Monroe, Brandon Scott, Joshua Skye, Julianne Snow, and Jack Wallen.

Edited by Kate Monroe.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 290 Pages
  • File Size: 1,423 KB

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