



Four hundred scenarios from all of the bestselling books in the series -- with dozens of new entries -- from being kicked by a zebra to breakup texts.

With over 10 million copies sold worldwide, the Worst-Case Scenario series has been preparing readers for dangers of all kinds for more than a decade. This handsome compendium is truly the ultimate guide for handling life's inevitable Worst-Case Scenarios, collecting -- for the first time -- hundreds of the best and most crucial scenarios from across the entire 26-book series, along with dozens of all new and expanded scenarios, charts, and expert tips. Topical, tabloid-style pages explore more than 100 subjects, from storms to stampedes to technology failures and beyond, with special sections highlighting critical information on starting fires, animal encounters, emergency signals, "Can I eat that?" questions, and more. Packed with expert advice and sturdy enough to stop a tiger bite, this gifty tome will keep longtime fans and new initiates safe and entertained in equal measure.

Praise for the Worst-Case Scenario Survival series

"What this book lacks in spiritual enlightenment, it more than makes up for with the practical advice you thought you'd never need. Yet it's only when you read about how to deliver a baby in the back of a taxi, surviving quicksand and mastering awkward lift silences that you realize just how handy a book like this could come in. Some day." -- The Irish Times

"There is something for everyone. It has a wide range of scenarios from dangerous to just downright irritating... It is fun, witty, entertaining and you learn something along the way too." -- Quill Quotes

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 273 Pages
  • File Size: 18,059 KB

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