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Survival Is Not Enough: Shift Happens

by (Simon & Schuster UK)

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Everything in our world, from marketing to technology to distribution to the capital markets, is moving at a faster pace than ever. Yet most companies view change as a threat, and survival as the goal. This book transforms all that. It contains a simple yet revolutionary idea: we can evolve our companies the same way nature evolves a species.

Evolution is a fundamental force of nature, and Seth Godin demonstrates how it can be put to work in any organisation. The first step is to eliminate the anti-change reflex that's genetically coded into all of us. Once a company learns to 'zoom' (to change without panicking), it is much more likely to evolve. And a company that evolves can become ever more profitable.

For the last five years, bestselling author Seth Godin has repeatedly demonstrated the power of his books by living their advice. He used the tactics in PERMISSION MARKETING to drive the book up the bestseller list. He followed the advice of UNLEASHING THE IDEA VIRUS to turn his treatise into a living example of an ideavirus. Now, as a committed zoomer, he shows his legions of fans how to turn their company into one that can zoom from one change to another. It's a formula for success whether the market is up or down, whether technology is hot or not, in all industries, from retail to tech to services.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 278 Pages
  • File Size: 621 KB

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