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The Broken Mirror (Darkness Reigns Book 1)

by (Mark Anthony Risden)

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None of this was my fault.

I shook my head and told myself to stop lying. If I could not be honest with myself, I was never going to get out of that mess, alive. I feared it was time to tell someone the truth, someone who would not judge me for my inaction, as well as, my misgivings.
I looked across to Alan who was staring, blank faced, mouth agape and dribbling slightly, through the cockpit window. He raised a quivering hand, pointed to the window and whispered.

'I don't remember the Aerodromo Franciso De Miranda looking quite so green.'

On Friday 3rd August, the world as I knew it, ceased to exist. I found that there were special places, hidden places. Places, that in my wildest dreams I'd never considered.

I also found there are dark places.

Inside the dark, a red light pulsed.

Everything was not going to be ok.

We follow the story of, seemingly random, catastrophic events, that bring a group of very different people with very different stories, views, morals and abilities together.
The world we live in would not exist, had we not decided from the primordial soup, that we would fight to live on, until our dying breath.

The events unfolding before our survivors seem beyond coincidental, mayhap staged by a malevolent force with dark intentions. Our adventurers must pit their minds and bodies through some of the most severe incidents and terrain that can occur on planet Earth. Before arriving on a planet that is not Earth at all.

Changes in 3rd Edition:

Added Cover.
Corrected formatting for Kindle devices.

Changes in 2nd Edition:

Corrected formatting for kindle devices.
TOC updated.
Page breaks.
Copyright page.
Dedication page.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 512 Pages
  • File Size: 834 KB

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