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MEDITATION -- FOR KIDS! The "father of mindfulness" presents a hands-on, creative method of meditation perfect for children experiencing stress and difficult emotions (TIME).

Features cute illustrations, plus useful tips on how to start a 'pebble meditation' practice at home or in the classroom.

Developed by Thich Nhat Hanh as part of the Plum Village community's practice with children, pebble meditation is a playful, fun activity that kids can complete on their own or do with an adult. Designed for kids ages 4-9, it involves children in a hands-on, creativity way that touches on their interconnection with nature and introduces them to the benefits of meditation. Practicing pebble meditation can help relieve stress, increase concentration, nourish gratitude, and can help children deal with difficult emotions.

A Handful of Quiet shows how parents and educators can introduce this method of kids' meditation in school settings, local communities, or at home -- and in a way that is meaningful and inviting. Any adult wishing to plant seeds of peace, relaxation, and awareness in children will find this unique meditation guide helpful.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 48 Pages
  • File Size: 557 KB

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