



Jack Hawksmoor, Midnighter, Apollo, The Engineer and Martian Manhunter comprise a dangerous super human police force: Stormwatch, whose existence is kept secret from the world. In this second volume, part of the critically acclaimed DC -- The New 52 event, a scientific experiment tears a hole in the barrierábetween dimensions allowing gravity miners from a forbidden universe to invade our universe. Stormwatch must scramble toáunravel the mystery of the unstoppable gravity miners, creatures so alien they defy the laws of science! Stormwatch must putátheir faith in Martian Manhunter, whose past may hold the answer to stoppng the invasion.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 158 Pages
  • File Size: 351,834 KB

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