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Rotten potatoes in the toy box, mouldy orange peel on the carpet - Milly McGinty might have the messiest bedroom in the world, maybe even in the universe. When the sound of skittering feet has Mum shopping for rat traps, Milly must clean her room or risk being grounded for life. But no one is prepared for what she discovers hiding beneath the smelly socks. No rats, but a trio of baby griffins that Milly calls the chittens.
Half chick, half kitten, the chittens are mythical, adorable and thriving in the chaos of Milly's room. Where did they come from? What do they eat? And how can Milly convince Mum that mess is best before the chittens are sent off to the local zoo?
With so many questions and so little time, it's lucky that her new friends have some unexpected talents...
Milly and the Chittens is a fun, action-packed story for ages 7 to 10.

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  • We started tracking this book on November 23, 2014.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 99 Pages
  • File Size: 1,643 KB

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