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Even among the most elite performers, certain athletes stand out as a cut above the rest, able to outperform in clutch, game-deciding moments. These athletes prove that raw athletic ability doesn't necessarily translate to a superior on-field experience -- its the mental game that matters most.

Sports participation -- from the recreational to the collegiate Division I level -- is at an all-time high. While the caliber of their games may differ, athletes at every level have one thing in common: the desire to excel. In The Champion's Mind, sports psychologist Jim Afremow, PhD, offers the same advice he uses with Olympians, Heisman Trophy winners, and professional athletes, including:

? How to get in a "zone," thrive on a team, and stay humble
? How to progress within a sport and sustain long-term excellence
? Customizable pre-performance routines to hit full power when the gun goes off or the puck is dropped

With hundreds of useful tips, breakthrough science, and cutting-edge workouts from the world's top trainers, The Champion's Mind will help you shape your body to ensure a longer, healthier, happier lifetime.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 280 Pages
  • File Size: 1,087 KB

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