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Christmas Spirit (Angel Paws Holiday Book 3)

by (Short Stuff Press)

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Spirit may look like a Shetland Sheepdog, but everyone knows he's really a scaredy cat.

After being rescued from a city shelter by his forever family, Spirit finally discovers security. At least he knows his people are there for him. Yet, he's still scared of just about everything, right down to the neighbor's seven-pound lapdog. This autumn, he's in for something new: a family vacation in the form of a road trip exploring British Columbia's scenic wilderness.

A holiday turns into a nightmare for the Sheltie when a fresh panic sends him running for his life, only to find he has also run from the only people he can trust. Now, with snow falling and a terrifying world looming about him, Spirit must return to them... even if that means facing the impossible.

Stories in the Angel Paws and Angel Paws Holiday series celebrate the unique bond between canines and humans with heartfelt, moving, and insightful tales for anyone who has ever loved a dog.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 30 Pages
  • File Size: 834 KB

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