



Long after the dust has settled and the survivors of the Silo Saga have gone to seed, Hugh Howey's bestselling WOOL trilogy continues to captivate readers worldwide. The power of Hugh's story is underscored all the more by the number of authors who have embraced the invitation to tell their own stories in his ever-expanding world. The first of its kind, this gathering brings together nine of the Silo Saga's most acclaimed authors to further expand upon the groundbreaking world first laid forth in WOOL, SHIFT, and DUST. From the power struggles of the Up Top to the darkest depths of the mines and everything in between, this anthology promises something for everyone bold enough to venture another journey deep below the surface of the best and worst humanity has to offer.

(Proceeds from the sale of this anthology benefit National Novel Writing Month / NaNoWriMo)?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 239 Pages
  • File Size: 343 KB

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