



Journey into a Legendary World to Discover the Most Powerful Knowledge of the Ages.

Transcribed directly from the extensive field notes and journals of explorer M.G. Hawking's five years in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (the Himalayan highlands of Tibet), this book contains detailed narratives of his experiences with the truly extraordinary individuals he encountered in a small village deep in the mountains.

These accounts set forth the essential knowledge, principles of consciousness and specific practices utilized by true masters to attain extraordinary creative powers, esoteric knowledge that for long millenniums has remained concealed in silence.

Organized topically to be used as a study guide, chapters include:
'Regarding Translations'
'The Nature of the Masters'
'The True Nature of Reality'
'The Quality of Physical Things as Symbols'
'The Scope of Power and Knowledge'
'Fundamental Understandings'
'Advanced Foundational Recognitions'
'Gathering and Controlling Energy'
'Powers of Healing'
'Visualization Practice and Procedure'
'Master Visualization'
'Thoughts on the Teachings of the Himalayan Masters'
'The Role of Physics and Metaphysics in Understanding Non-Ordinary (Psychokinetic) Events'

Author's Note: "The esoteric knowledge and practices presented in this book are transcribed directly from the teachings of profoundly enlightened individuals, and clarified by the insights of many of the greatest scientific minds of our time. If studied with patience and fully integrated into your core belief system, this knowledge can lay the foundation necessary to enable you to acquire abilities that most people would say are unbelievable or even impossible. Yet nothing explained in this volume is supernatural or beyond the ability of a properly equipped individual, if those capacities are properly recognized and developed."

A truly unprecedented account that is inspirational and richly enlightening, this book is an incomparable read for anyone on a spiritual path or seeking greatly expanded knowledge and personal power. 2020 Edition, 18 Sections, 34 Subsections, Kindle Edition page count 415 (estimated, actual page count varies depending on the reading device used). A Kindle Unlimited Book. Includes Reference Citations and a Source Material Anthology Section with excerpts from In The Valley of Supreme Masters book series.

For more information, please see the book's 'Look Inside' feature on this page. Thank you.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 233 Pages
  • File Size: 777 KB

We last verified the price of this book about one day ago. At that time, the price was £3.77. This price is subject to change. The price displayed on the website at the time of purchase is the price you will pay for this book. Please confirm the price before making any purchases.