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The world is watching Islamic State's lightning advance through Syria to the gates of Baghdad. For the third time in fifteen years, the US risks being drawn into another war in the Middle East despite its experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq. IS are creating catastrophic waves across the region, but it is still unclear what lies behind its success.

Islamic State: Rewriting History takes the long-view by analysing IS's beginnings in Iraq to their involvement in the Arab Spring and through to the present day. It discusses the myriad of regional players engaged in a seemingly endless power game: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Iraq have all contributed to the success of IS by supplying arms and funds.

Using a fast-paced, narrative-driven style, Michael Griffin foregrounds the story of the uprising against President Assad of Syria and describes his regime's varied responses; the human cost; the role played by the Free Syrian Army, Islamist groups, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia; the chemical weapons attacks in 2013; and the House of Commons vote not to impose a no-fly zone over the country.

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  • We started tracking this book on December 20, 2018.
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