



"In this collection of their poetry, published under gender-concealing pseudonyms, we get an intimate glimpse of their fears, hopes, faith, and desires." -- Haunted Library
"This collection is not only for fans of the Brontë Sisters and classic rhyming poetry but also for readers that crave heartbreaking gothic angst." -- Eastside Middle School
Among the most talented siblings in English literary history, the Brontë sisters are best remembered for their novels: Emily's Wuthering Heights, Charlotte's Jane Eyre, and Anne's Tenant of Wildfell Hall, among other works. It is less well known that the sisters also composed a considerable amount of fine poetry.
This volume contains forty-seven poems by all three sisters. Selections include Charlotte's "Presentiment," "Passion," two poems on the deaths of her sisters, and six more. There are twenty-three poems by Emily (considered the best poet of the three), including "Faith and Despondency" and "No Coward Soul Is Mine." The works of all three sisters share the qualities of intelligence, awareness, and heartfelt emotion, expressed in simple, highly readable verse. Gathered in this handy, inexpensive collection, the poems represent a superb introduction to a lesser-known aspect of the Brontës' literary art.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 67 Pages
  • File Size: 467 KB

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