



What does the future hold for us? This anthology of nineteen diverse stories from authors around the world shows us a future full of adventure, intrigue, heart-ache, fun, and wonder.

A divorced London mother is forced to wear an implant that dictates her every action with the goal of making her a 'perfect mum.'

In post-climate change Italy, a deaf African-American woman and her native partner struggle to build a communal farm that can survive the new environment, a lasting hope for a future.

A Latina party girl is addicted to cybernetic body modification when the latest experimental 'fix' comes out, promising to let her deepest desires rise.

An imprisoned space pirate from Phobos is given a last chance for freedom, but only if he's willing to kill his younger brother. Again.

A mech-suited mercenary on a war torn alien planet is just trying to earn enough to get out, but her daughter is on the battlefield the day all hell breaks loose.

An Asian woman is called to Nigeria to find out why her company's cyborg policeman just killed an unarmed teenage boy.

After an eco-disaster, a woman excavates old landfills for biological material which she uses to grow lost species for profit. She wants sunflowers, but winds up with a warm, furry bundle of trouble.

And many more. The future is as infinite as the stars. Let's go explore it!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 370 Pages

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