



Explore the Profound Esoteric Knowledge of the Ages...

Over the millennia a rich treasury of powerful esoteric knowledge has been discovered, yet remains largely unknown to the Western world. Records of this wisdom are like the fragmented relics of a shipwreck; vastly more of the great knowledge of the past has stayed hidden than has been revealed. "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." -- Mark Twain

The earliest accounts of our world's ancient cultures were composed long after certain truths had lapsed from human memory, or were considered secrets far too powerful, or too sacred, to be revealed. Yet legends inevitably arose in which fragments of those truths were preserved.

Drawn from the archived journals and field notes of explorer M.G. Hawking's five years in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet, this book explores one of the most captivating of all ancient legends, a story that for thousands of years has fascinated and inspired millions.

Stretching across Asia in a vast crescent extending 1,500 miles with over 110 peaks rising to elevations of 25,000 feet or more, the Great Himalayan Range cradles the most isolated areas of Earth's landmass. Towering ice peaks nearly six miles high conceal remote, lushly forested valleys. Since the dawn of the earliest civilizations on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the mysterious inner region of this vast frozen fortress has inspired countless stories of a hidden sanctuary of great masters possessed of all-encompassing knowledge.

Although arising from sources greatly separated both geographically and chronologically, the legends are remarkably consistent, varying only in details. The scriptures of the 4000 year-old pre-Tibetan Zhang Zhung culture are thought to be the earliest extant references, yet the same hidden realm is represented in many ancient traditions; the sacred pre-Buddhist B'on treaties, texts of the Kalki lore, the Puranas, the earliest texts of the Kalachakra Laghutantra, in the even older Kalachakra Mulatantra, and in the ancient wisdom traditions of civilizations throughout Asia and beyond.

Absent an ember, there can be no smoke; there is a kernel of truth in all such ancient and enduring legends, and they cannot be easily, or wisely, dismissed.

Yet, if this mysterious hidden realm still exists, who -- or what -- lives there? Why do they stay so carefully concealed? What knowledge do they possess? What powers? Where did they come from? If encountered, what would they want us to know?

Journey into a fabled lost realm deep in the Himalayas and far back through the ages to the mysterious civilization of Ancient Egypt to explore answers to these profound questions and discover knowledge that for long millenniums has remained hidden under the most intense silence. As entertaining as it is richly enlightening, this anthology is an incomparable read for anyone seeking greater knowledge and personal power.

2021 Edition Anthology. A Kindle Unlimited Book, e-reader page count 304 (estimated, actual page count varies with the reading device used). For more information, please see the 'Read Sample' feature on this page. Thank you, and enjoy!

Library-Cataloging-Data: secret knowledge, ancient mysteries, ancient legends, psychokinesis, higher knowledge, esoteric knowledge, Himalayan Masters, Ancient Egyptian Masters, arcane knowledge, occult, visionary, esoteric, metaphysical, mysticism, manifesting, visualization, arcane wisdom

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 199 Pages
  • File Size: 920 KB

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