



Brian Roy, ghostbuster extraordinaire, is forced to admit the chills and thrills of his career are taking a toll on his bad ticker. To save his life, he takes a no-stress job as Superintendent of Woods Cemetery and can't be happier... until dead people - angry dead people - rear their grisly heads and grasping hands, pulling him back into his old job!

Brian's first day quickly goes downhill when fog descends like an icy fortress, separating him from the outside world. Caught between a rock and a tombstone, he takes refuge in his office and learns there may be one way out. The crypt.

Ruled by a malevolent spirit, the crypt and its undead residents are determined to make Brian their latest victim. When Brian's wife, Jenny, learns what's happening, she takes matters into her own hands. With the help of a ghost hunter, Jenny goes after her husband. But, nothing - absolutely nothing - can prepare them for the horrors they'll face!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 205 Pages
  • File Size: 3,376 KB

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