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A classic Roald Dahl story with gorgeous full-colour illustrations by Patrick Benson.

Little Billy's mum says he must never go out through the garden gate and explore the dark forest beyond.
So, one day, that's exactgly what he does.
There he meets the Minpins: miniature people who live int he hollow trees.
They soon warn Little Billy of the fearsome, galloping Gruncher, who has grunched thousands of Minpins. And it will gobble up Little Billy too - uness he can find a way to defeat the hungry beast, once and for all...
Look out for new Roald Dahl apps in the App store and Google Play- including the disgusting TWIT OR MISS! inspired by the revolting Twits.

Look out for the whole collection of wondercrump Roald Dahl books!

The Enormous Crocodile; Fantastic Mr Fox; The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me; The Magic finger; The Twits; The BFP; Boy: Tales of Childhood; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator; The Complete Adventures of Charlie and Mr Willy Wonka; Danny the Champion of the World; George's Marvellous Medicine; Going Solo; James and the Giant Peach; Matilda; The Witches; Dirty Beasts; The Minpins; Revolting Rhymes

For Teens:

The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories; Rhyme Stew; Skin and Other Stories; The Vicar of Nibbleswicke; The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 55 Pages
  • File Size: 40,552 KB

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