



The twelve short stories presented in A Bit of A Twist are each mostly normal and ordinary, but somewhere in the story is a twist. In "David's Not Here", "Marriage Counselor", "Down Home", "River Road", "Happily Ever After", and "Blind Date", the ending takes a bit of a twist from what you were probably expecting. "The Chateau de Puyguilhem" and "The Wish" take stories you're already familiar with, and give the whole thing a bit of a twist. "Reunion", "Eternal Youth", and "Aliens Among Us" each have a bit of a mental twist. And "Air of Authority" shows what happens when you twist around words.
As you read these stories, you will also discover that many of them involve some degree of revenge. Because, after all, what is revenge but twisting someone's own actions back on them?
And as always, each story in the Read on the Run series of anthologies is short, to suit your busy lifestyle.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 150 Pages
  • File Size: 1,905 KB

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