



A baby's rattle sounds the final chime of death...

After months spent chasing down one haunted item after another, historian Victor Daniels is exhausted. His relentless battles with the sadistic Stefan Korzh have taken a heavy toll, and he longs to end their supernatural feud once and for all. But first, he must deal with one last cursed item released from Korzh's collection.

With no time to rest or recover from their last paranormal encounter, Victor and his adopted son Tom travel to the shadowy streets of Groton, Massachusetts. There, they face a familiar enemy -- a malevolent spirit Victor has fought before, and failed to defeat. This fiendish ghost haunts an antique baby's rattle. Those who hear its chilling sound are faced with a ghastly death, and an afterlife of eternal suffering...

As they confront this vicious foe, Victor knows that Stefan still waits for him in the shadows. Their confrontation is inevitable. Everything has been leading Victor to this one final battle.

In the haunted depths of the Korzh's ancestral home, Victor and Stefan must come face to face. And only one man will live to see the dawn.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 209 Pages
  • File Size: 3,056 KB

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