



Musaicum Books presents to you this unique SF collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
Jack London:
Iron Heel
H. G. Wells:
The Time Machine
The First Men in the Moon
When the Sleeper Wakes
Jonathan Swift:
Gulliver's Travels
Edward Bulwer-Lytton:
The Coming Race
Edgar Allan Poe:
The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion
Owen Gregory:
Meccania the Super-State
Hugh Benson:
Lord of the World
Edward Bellamy:
Looking Backward: 2000-1887
Mary Shelley:
The Last Man
William Hope Hodgson:
The Night Land
Stanley G. Weinbaum:
The Black Flame
Fred M. White:
The Doom of London Series
The Four White Days
The Four Days' Night
The Dust of Death
A Bubble Burst
The Invisible Force
The River of Death
Ignatius Donnelly:
Caesar's Column
Ernest Bramah:
The Secret of the League (aka What Might Have Been)
Arthur Dudley Vinton:
Looking Further Backward
Richard Jefferies:
After London
Samuel Butler:
Edwin A. Abbott:
Anthony Trollope:
The Fixed Period
Cleveland Moffett:
The Conquest of America

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