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Justification By Faith

by , , , (H&E Publishing)

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£4.20 £6.20 Save 32%

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The battle of the Protestant Reformation was waged over this primary question: How does a sinful person get right with a just God? At the heart of it, the Reformers contended that sinners are justified (declared righteous) by God through faith alone in Jesus Christ. While Martin Luther is often credited with re-discovering the doctrine of justification, it was Calvin who more fully explored the depths of this doctrine, giving it a thorough treatment in his magisterial work, Institutes of the Christian Religion. In this volume, Nate Pickowicz has selected out and edited Calvin's treatment on justification -- the marrow of Reformation doctrine.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 194 Pages
  • File Size: 1,701 KB

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