



The World's Greatest Detective in the Realms of the Master of Science Fiction!

Imagine Holmes trying to solve the case of an invisible man attacking London - matching wits with a traveler from out of time - tracking down a human/feline hybrid - using his deductive skills to help fight Martian and lunar invaders! These are just some of the quirky stories included in Sherlock Holmes: Adventures in the Realms of H.G. Wells.

This one-of-a-kind two volume anthology features traditional Sherlock Holmes stories blended with one or more tales from H.G. Wells including:

?The War of the Worlds
?The Island of Dr. Moreau
?The First Men in the Moon
?The Time Machine
?The Invisible Man
?The New Accelerator
?The Man Who Could Work Miracles
?The Country of the Blind
?And many more!!

Authors include Andrew Lane (Young Sherlock Holmes), Daniel D. Victor (The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Seventh Bullet), Derrick Belanger (Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Peculiar Provenance), Benjamin Langley, Michael Wells, David Friend (The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories), William Campbell Powell (Expiration Day), John Linwood Grant (Occult Detective Quarterly), Megan M. Elmendorf, Steve Herczeg, Derek Nason, Michael Siverling (Midnight Investigations), Jaap Boekestein (Mystery Weekly Magazine), Richard Paolinelli (Escaping Infinity), GC Rosenquist (Sherlock Holmes and the Pearl of Death), Steve Poling (The Aristotelian), Katie Magnusson (The Adventures of Watts and Sherlock), Rohit Sawant (Down With the Fallen: A Post-Apocalyptic Horror Anthology), Emma Tonkin (Universal Enigma Anthology), and C. Edward Davis (The Voyage of the Lunar Schooner). Featuring forewords by Mark Levy, BSI in Volume 1 and Neil Cole (Adventures in Science Fiction: Sci-Fi Museum) in Volume 2.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 279 Pages
  • File Size: 1,086 KB

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