



14 Gothic Sword & Sorcery tales about immortals in the vein of Karl Edward Wagner's Kane, Barry Sadler's Casca, Steven Erikson's Rhulad Sengar and Kallor, and Dennis O'Neil's R?'s al Gh?l. Dark tales of those who return from death, victorious over death's sting--or horrifyingly despite! Authors include: Alfred D. Byrd, Eadwine Brown, Liam Hogan, Matthew John, Brandie June, Daniel Loring Keating, D. K. Latta, KT Morley, Kate Runnels, J. B. Toner, Tony-Paul de Vissage, Dawn Vogel, Keith West, and Logan Whitney. Cover art by Célestin Nanteuil & Jason M Waltz. Foreword by Adrian Cole. Edited by Jason M Waltz.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 212 Pages
  • File Size: 596 KB

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