



Two heads are better than one

Three can be a real pain in the arse

Everyone knows ogres can't be heroes. But Og-Grim-Dog is no ordinary ogre.

Recruited by a team of eccentric dungeon crawlers, all three heads are determined to prove their worth. Will their new crewmates accept them? Will the pencil pushers at the Bureau of Dungeoneering be able to stop them? Will Gal'azu become a more tolerant society... and will Og-Grim-Dog solve the dark mystery that drew them into this new world in the first place?

Reader reviews:

"a marathon of craziness that will tickle your sense of humor. Loved all the gritty characters and enjoyed the fast paced action plot."
"If you've ever played D&D, you'll enjoy this tale of orcs, and dwarves and ogres. There's good silliness and a serious theme."
"The characters are fun and diverse. The jokes are funny and adult without being lewd or gross. The plot is fun, engaging, and well timed."
"This book sets up an awesome character, some great side characters, and an interesting world filled with surprisingly similar issues that we have in our own. I wasn't expecting to love this book, but I did."
"This little book was SO MUCH FUN! There were plenty of in-jokes that, as a fantasy fan, I loved and the characters were extremely likable. The whole thing just makes me want to go on an adventure."

If you're looking for something lighthearted, with some cleverness, silliness, and a little grit, start this fun, feelgood adventure today!

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  • We started tracking this book on July 17, 2020.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 156 Pages
  • File Size: 3,041 KB

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