



Transport yourself to another world with heartwarming, alien-positive science fiction.
This collection includes three novellas of an optimistic future on a distant planet.

Day of the Nuptial Flight

An alien drone antivore mistakes a human woman as a queen of his species. He falls in love with this woman, stopping at nothing to show her his affection.

Will he succeed in proving himself, despite their differences?

A Mother's Arms

When human invaders destroy an alien mother's litter of baby octopillars, she vows to have her revenge. Her plans are thwarted when she must choose between honoring those she lost and learning to love again.

Will this octopillar choose vengeance or nurturing a most unusual baby?

A Mate Not a Meal

An alien arachnipede loses half her legs after a potential mate tries to eat her. She must overcome her fear of mating, and in the process, falls in love with what she takes to be another arachnipede with a disability -- only she doesn't realize this creature only has four limbs instead of eight because this is a human colonist.

Can love transcend species?

If you love classic science fiction like the original Star Trek, Star Wars, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Lost in Space, Cocoon, and Batteries Not Included, these heartwarming stories are for you!

Lose yourself in tales -- from the alien's point of view!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 168 Pages
  • File Size: 3,333 KB

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