



The end of times. Does it come as a whisper or a bang? Between these pages, sixteen authors put together a story of Armageddon. Each chapter written by a different author with varying views. Find out how the world ends for these authors... or does it?

Authors included:
Lyndsey Ellis Holloway
Michael Picco
Tara Losacano
Cara Bryant
Dakota Caldwell
Mark Young
Michael Payne
Ben Revermann
David Green
Steve Thompson
Bert Edens
Jeff Parsons
Gary McDonough
M. Ennenbach
Trisha McKee
Dawn Shea

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  • We started tracking this book on September 30, 2021.
  • The current price of this book is £2.16 last checked 17 hours ago.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 200 Pages
  • File Size: 4,687 KB

We last verified the price of this book about 17 hours ago. At that time, the price was £2.16. This price is subject to change. The price displayed on the website at the time of purchase is the price you will pay for this book. Please confirm the price before making any purchases.