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Reading Hegel

by , , (Polity)

(12 reviews)

£16.06 £17.09 Save 6%

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A spirit is haunting contemporary thought - the spirit of Hegel. All the powers of academia have entered into a holy alliance to exorcize this spirit: Vitalists and Eschatologists, Transcendental Pragmatists and Speculative Realists, Historical Materialists and even 'liberal Hegelians'.

Which of these groups has not been denounced as metaphysically Hegelian by its opponents? And which has not hurled back the branding reproach of Hegelian metaphysics in its turn? Progressives, liberals and reactionaries alike receive this condemnation.

In light of this situation, it is high time that true Hegelians should openly admit their allegiance and, without obfuscation, express the importance and validity of Hegelianism to the contemporary intellectual scene.

To this end, a small group of Hegelians of different nationalities have assembled to sketch the following book - a book which addresses a number of pressing issues that a contemporary reading of Hegel allows a new perspective on: our relation to the future, our relation to nature and our relation to the absolute.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 214 Pages
  • File Size: 796 KB

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