



Seventeen years after the zombie virus decimates the world, the last of humanity is just trying to survive in a forgotten wasteland.

The zombies today are much different from those that started the outbreak. Mutated undead people and animals make life more difficult for scavengers to thrive. Cannibal tribes and the Z.E.D. (Zombie Eradication Detachment) also threaten their peaceful way of life in ways that are much worse than the zombies.

Two bands of battle-hardened survivors and one unique group of child warriors come together, determined to face their enemies and fight for the right to live in this harsh new world.

Veronica Smith has brought the world of the game to vivid action packed life. This is a nonstop thrill ride of a novel with twists and turns you won't see coming and characters you will never forget.
C.S. Anderson: co-founder of Alucard Press and author of The Black Irish Chronicles and The Dark Molly Trilogy

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 307 Pages
  • File Size: 1,333 KB

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