



Did you know modern-day Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is the first European city built with seismic safety in mind?

And there is a very good reason for that! In 1755, Portugal was hit by an earthquake that would measure nine on the future Richter scale.

Portugal, which is located in the Iberian Peninsula, has a rich history that dates to prehistoric times. The first settlers left amazing art behind in the form of rock carvings and rock monoliths. These first peoples never left their country but were integrated into the many societies that came to Portugal over time. There were Phoenician traders, Romans, Germanic tribes, Muslims from North Africa, and Hispanic peoples. This mix of ethnicities resulted in a unique language and culture of the medieval Kingdom of Portugal, and one might even say of the modern-day Portuguese Republic as well.

Even though Portugal is probably best known for exploring the world during the Age of Discovery, the history of mainland Portugal is rarely described outside of the country. This is why the Age of Discovery is only briefly touched upon, as there are many other fascinating things to talk about instead that might be lesser known to readers. The purpose of this book is to familiarize English speakers with the events and personas that built the Portuguese kingdom, its overseas empire, and the state that Portugal is today.

But rather than presenting dry facts, the pages of this book are interwoven with interesting facts and historical events that are little known to the world outside of Portugal itself. In this book, you will learn:

• Who were the first people that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula?

• What was the early culture and religion of the peninsula?

• Which civilization first discovered the shores of Portugal?

• How did trade with the Phoenicians develop the culture of the indigenous people?

• How did the Carthaginian and Roman wars shape the Iberian Peninsula?

• Why did the Germanic tribes invade the peninsula?

• Did the Iberian Peninsula thrive under Islamic rule?

• Why did the Christian kings of the north launch the Iberian Reconquista?

• How did Afonso I form the medieval Kingdom of Portugal?

• How did the House of Avis rise to power and start the golden age of Portugal?

• Why has Portugal always struggled to preserve its independence?

• What role did the House of Braganza play in the restoration of Portuguese independence?

• How did the empire end, and how did Portugal become a republic?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 178 Pages
  • File Size: 7,998 KB

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