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Brian Michael Bendis! It is the blistering, senses-shattering conclusion to the first story arc of Joy Operations. Is there a twist coming? Oh, hell yes there is a twist coming! The entire story has led Joy and Hampton into a partnership to stop the building of a trust city that could ruin the world. Now they have to actually go there to shut it down... knowing full well it could be a suicide mission. Another jaw-dropping artistic triumph from co-creator Stephen Byrne and a hint towards the future of the series from Bendis. All this plus a sneak peek at the new yakuza epic Pearl from the cocreators of Jessica Jones! Joy Operations is an all new sci-fi world and character study by the people that brought you Legion of Superheroes, Naomi, and Miles Morales: Jinxworld!

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  • We started tracking this book on March 23, 2022.
  • This book was £2.55 when we started tracking it.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 27 Pages
  • File Size: 72,068 KB

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