



In 'The Complete Works of Margaret Fuller,' readers are invited into the rich tapestry of 19th-century transcendentalist thought, through a curated collection that showcases a broad spectrum of literary styles, from critical essays to personal letters and transcendentalist tracts. This anthology marks a significant endeavor to encapsulate the intellectual vitality of an era, providing a comprehensive outlook on themes of individualism, spirituality, and social reform. The collection stands out for its inclusion of Fuller's groundbreaking work, 'Woman in the Nineteenth Century,' alongside illuminating correspondences with her contemporaries, offering a multifaceted view of her philosophical and literary contributions. The contributing authors, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Freeman Clarke, Julia Ward Howe, and W. H. Channing, are pivotal figures within the transcendentalist movement, bringing a rich diversity of voices and perspectives to the fore. Their collective backgrounds, intersecting with Fuller's revolutionary vision, represent a confluence of ideologically synergistic elements that shaped the contours of American literature and thought. The anthology aligns with and elaborates upon central transcendental themes, fostering a deeper understanding of the movement's embrace of nature, self-reliance, and social justice. This anthology presents an unparalleled opportunity for scholars, students, and general readers alike to explore the depths of transcendentalist literature through the lens of one of its most influential figures and her circle. The 'Complete Works of Margaret Fuller' is not only a testament to Fuller's enduring legacy but also an invitation to engage with the critical questions and literary achievements of an entire movement. Readers will find in this collection a rich dialogue between varied works, offering invaluable insights into the fabric of American thought and the ongoing relevance of transcendentalist ideals.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 1,903 Pages
  • File Size: 2,619 KB

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