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"Don't forsake the assembling of our own selves together" - Hebrews 10:25.

This verse is the one-two knockout punch for those who defend church attendance as mandatory for Christians. But does this verse mean you must always attend a church service, or have your name on a membership roll of a local church to be faithful?

In normal seasons of Church history, the author would have no dispute with such a claim, but in times of apostasy, the word is not to assemble with her, but "Come out of her O my people that you not share in her judgments" (Jesus in Revelation 18).

Nate demonstrates the church as it exists in denominations and local gatherings is not the true church to faithfully assemble with, but rather to come out of.

Nate puts forward a positive position in place of assembling which allows the New Covenant's superiority over the Old in regard to the sufficiency of the prophets. The Prophets were safe alone, and so is the true believer.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 110 Pages
  • File Size: 917 KB

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