




"When I wake up, I think about him and touch my lips. Did he really kiss my lips? Or did I imagine it? What is happening here? My confused head goes to war with my equally confused heart.
Head: You've imagined it all. He isn't the type to cheat on his wife with another woman. He loves his wife - he's told you so, remember? You've read more into it than you should have.
Heart: But... but... we did kiss?
Head: The kiss was not something you both wanted. It was purely because of circumstances. You were forced to. He was forced to kiss you.
Heart: Forced? No, he wasn't! He was tender and -
Head: FYI, you kissed once that night. One deep kiss that counts as a real kiss and only at the venue, not after that. All those little pecks, they mean nothing. Be smart about it now.
Heart: Okay, sure, you're right. But wait, what about the spooning?
Head: Well, there was only one bed and you both were tired. None of you wanted to sleep on the tiny chairs. Nothing significant about your spooning. You are making mountains of out molehills. Stop acting like a teenager, will you? He's asking you to stop, saying that he's not that strong. Do as he asks. Make it easy for him to be a decent man.
Head: But he's said that he loves her and he waited three years for her. He is strong. Why does he say he's not strong?
Head: He's talking temptation. You are a whisper of temptation in his ear, and he admits he, like most men, he's vulnerable. You don't want to be known as a cheat, a homewrecker, because that's what it comes down to - he's a married man, your friend's husband. Your friend who is vulnerable and needy too. Both of them are vulnerable. Don't take advantage of the situation.
Heart: I'm not, I'm not. It's... all of it is just happening. It's predictable even - he's lonely, I'm lonely... But you're right, I will stop. I never want to be the kind of woman who takes advantage of a situation. Never. No matter how much I want it.
Head: Good. Now you're being sensible. You've always been sensible. That's your strength, remember? Stay that way.

My head, scolding, scalding and sensible that it is, wins. My heart tucks in its tail, slinks away in a corner and licks its wounds.

Sensible. What a word. What a bland, boring, cautious word. Sensible.
Put that on my tombstone - She was known for always doing the right thing, for being... sensible. Never let it be said that she was spontaneous, impulsive reckless and daring. Never let it be said that she followed her heart because... she dared to.

NB: This is not a stand-alone book.

Tags: Romantic-suspense novels, romantic-crime fiction, women's crime fiction, Mystery books, Suspense-Thrillers, Modern Crime novels, dark psychological crimes, Fiction Novels, Thriller Mystery murder jealously, Books revenge, alpha males, free on Unfaithful ex, cheating ex, abusive spouse, Police, Cozy, Action Adventure, Bad Boy, free kindle books, free ebooks cri, Alpha Males FBI, Series, Jealously, Murder, fiction, psychological crime thriller, Detective, contemporary romance, crime action fiction, spotlight, betrayed, temptation, marine, military, Eve Rabi, Australian Authors, conspiracy, conspiracies

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  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 319 Pages
  • File Size: 39 KB

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