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Angelology (Angelology Series Book 1)

by (Penguin)

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The Nephilim were on the earth in those days
Genesis 6:4

When Sister Evangeline finds mysterious correspondence between Mother Innocenta of the Saint Rose Convent and legendary philanthropist Abigail Rockefeller, it confirms Angels walked among us - and their descendants, the cruel Nephilim, still do.

Indeed, the Nephilim are hunting for artefacts concealed by Abigail Rockefeller during the Second World War - objects that will ultimately allow them to enslave mankind - and have so far been prevented from reaching their apocalyptic goal by one, clandestine organisation: The Angelology Society.

And if the Angelologists are to stand any chance of winning this new battle in the ages-old war, they must find the artefacts first. But their fate rests in the hands of innocent Sister Evangeline, who holds the key to unlocking Abigail Rockefeller's hiding places... and whose own destiny may yet find her prey to the terrifying Nephilim army, with horrifying consequences for humanity.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 463 Pages
  • File Size: 6,287 KB

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