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The Chopra Centre Cookbook

by , (Hay House UK)

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The Chopra Centre for Well Being is a retreat that serves as a beautiful, nurturing place where people can come to heal their physical pain, find emotional freedom, empower themselves, and connect to their inner spiritual life. The food is at the heart of this mission, designed to delight the senses, enliven vitality and tap into the joy of being alive. Now, Deepak Chopra and his colleagues from the Chopra Centre offer you marvellous recipes from this extraordinary place of healing - showing how nature provides us with all the nutrients we need to create meals that are delicious as well as nutritious.

Combining modern nutritional science and Ayurveda - the most ancient healing system on the planet - The Chopra Centre Cookbook features more than 200 appetising breakfast dishes, snacks and desserts that take the guesswork out of choosing food that is good for the body, as well as 30 days of balanced meal plans. From Courgette Pecan Bread, Vegetarian Paella and Breakfast Burritos to Rosemary White Bean Soup, Braised Salmon with Mango Tomato Salsa and Unbelievable Double Chocolate Cake, you'll discover a new flavour and enjoyment as the authors show you how to eat food that is good for you, re-establishes the mind-body connection and reverses the aging process.

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  • We started tracking this book on July 26, 2013.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 413 Pages
  • File Size: 4,208 KB

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