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After the Rain


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"It's too late! The rains have come... "
A SMALL TOWN Davenport, Florida. Population 2952. Nothing ever happens here. Or does it? A TERRIBLE SECRET Young. Wealthy. Hedonistic. Single. Adam Williams sits in a bar with a local girl. Then he disappears without trace. THE TRAIL Adam's brother Craig arrives in town to join the search; but within hours, he is drawn into a dangerous game where people may not be who they seem, and where he no longer knows whom he can trust. It is a deadly game of cat and mouse... But who is the cat and who is the mouse? Praise for 'After the Rain'... 'Great story.' Loved this story and two main characters have a brilliant way about them. Very easy reading. Pick it up and read. (Amazon Customer) 'Brilliant Book.' Well written and gripping from the start. (Doreen Kennett) This is the first book I've read by Philip Cox and it won't be the last. This wasn't quite what I expected but it turned out to be a really good read. (Mrs A M Denton) 'Good Book.' Enjoyable book. I liked the main characters and was kept guessing. I thought it was going to go in a different direction and had all sorts of theories as to who did it. I was partly right in the end but way out on some of my ideas. I like books that make me think. I wanted to carry on reading. Good book, will look out for more by this author. (Angie T D) 'Recommended.' The story is clever, and yes, there's a twist, and I didn't see it coming, which for me is the mark of as good story. (A L H) 'Brilliant novel!!!' I loved this book. It is written in the style I like. It held my attention and was unable to put it down at times. I read this on holiday and my friends had to beg me to tear myself away. I have noted this author for future reference. (Bev Allmanon) 'Wonderful!' This was the third book I have read of Philip Cox, again it was a great read, excitement till the end and a proper ending, no cliff-hanger. I will be reading as many of this author's books as I can buy. Great reading. (Kindle Customer)

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  • We started tracking this book on December 6, 2011.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 352 Pages
  • File Size: 6,034 KB

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