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In this book you will find several main dish salads to help you beat the summer heat. Most of these salads can be served as a main dish, or take any tossed vegetable salad and add grilled or sliced deli meats or poultry, shredded or cubed cheese, pecans, beans, or Peanuts. Some will even make a refreshing dessert.Center your meals on a wide variety of plant foods (fruits and Vegetables)
Plant foods should be the foundation of your meals. For maximum benefit, include a wide variety of grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. In addition: to small amounts of nut and seeds.
Plant foods provide nutrients, fiber and physiochemical without the cholesterol and saturated fat. Found in animal foods. The plant-based food pyramid will guide you to planning great-tasting meals that promotes healthy for you and your family. Be sure to obtain adequate of these foods.

Eat 2 cups or 2 pieces of fresh fruit or vegetables at every meal.
Include at least 1 cup of berries each day. Lack of fruits and vegetables is the greatest nutrition deficiency in our country.
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, photochemical, and soluble and insoluble fibers. Eat a verity of different types and colors of fruits and vegetables. Different colors will provide the broad spectrum of nutrients we need.

Eat whole foods versus refined foods; choose foods in their natural state.
Limit food intake, especially trans-fatty acids and saturated fats. Avoid oxidizes fat.
Include a daily sauce of omega-3 acids in your meals. Omega fatty acids are important in helping to maintain your health and preventing disease. Plant-food sources of omega-3 fatty acids include flax seed, flax oils, canola oil, soy products, walnuts leafy green vegetables and wheat.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 46 Pages
  • File Size: 357 KB

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