



This highly readable new book is the third in MTP's 'Management Briefing' series on financial topics. It provides just what is needed by managers in today's pressured business environment - a short but comprehensive summary of the knowledge necessary to understand shareholder value measurement at a practical management level. It avoids theory for its own sake but concentrates instead on how shareholder value concepts are used in the business. It presents the various approaches as a set of tools to be used for different purposes and discusses the strengths and the weaknesses of each one.

The book is written in a form that reflects the values of the organisation which has driven its publication - MTP. It is practical in approach and realistic in its assessment of what managers need and have the time to absorb. It is also as interactive as it is possible to be within the framework of a book - using the question and answer format that has proved so successful in the other books of the series. It is ideally suited for individual work prior to a financial training programme or as a refreshment/overview for managers with limited time availability.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 113 Pages
  • File Size: 851 KB

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