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Techniques of the Selling Writer

by (University of Oklahoma Press)

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Techniques of the Selling Writer provides solid instruction for people who want to write and sell fiction, not just to talk and study about it. It gives the background, insights, and specific procedures needed by all beginning writers. Here one can learn how to group words into copy that moves, movement into scenes, and scenes into stories; how to develop characters, how to revise and polish, and finally, how to sell the product.

No one can teach talent, but the practical skills of the professional writer's craft can certainly be taught. The correct and imaginative use of these kills can shorten any beginner's apprenticeship by years.

This is the book for writers who want to turn rejection slips into cashable checks.

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Price Summary

  • We started tracking this book on December 5, 2013.
  • This book was £16.61 when we started tracking it.
  • The price of this book has changed 200 times in the past 3,968 days.
  • The current price of this book is £22.81 last checked 22 hours ago.
  • This lowest price this book has been offered at in the past six months is £22.50.
  • This lowest price this book has been offered at in the past year is £19.90.
  • The lowest price to date was £12.55 last reached on June 7, 2021.
  • This book has been £12.55 one time since we started tracking it.
  • The highest price to date was £24.61 last reached on February 28, 2016.
  • This book has been £24.61 one time since we started tracking it.


Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 348 Pages
  • File Size: 1,094 KB

We last verified the price of this book about 22 hours ago. At that time, the price was £22.81. This price is subject to change. The price displayed on the website at the time of purchase is the price you will pay for this book. Please confirm the price before making any purchases.