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The Battle For Brisingamen: Freya's Power

by (Harmony Kent Author Services)

(12 reviews)


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There is a World not too Far Away...
Beneath the north sea a land of magic lies undetected.

The lives of many are drawn inexorably closer together in a race against time, as both energy companies and evil beings attempt to destroy the magic which is protecting not just this land but all worlds.

The unwitting protagonists have no idea of how suddenly and irrevocably their lives are about to change.

It is a race against time to try and recover the lost necklace, Brisingamen, which holds the ancient power of the Goddess Freya, and to prevent the undersea drilling from taking place.

Are Aart, Matthias, Gemma and Dirck up to the challenges they now must face?

Here there be Dragons, and all manner of Creatures...

By Tammy Dewhurst of Rabid Readers Reviews:
Publication Date: May 5, 2013


The author, Harmony Kent, provided me with a copy of this novel in exchange for my review.

There are some books that a person reads and knows that the novel they've read, if it were to hit its market, would be a smash. Brisingamen is one of those novels. Deeply complex and intricately plotted, Kent brings the reader something into which a public can really immerse themselves and come out feeling as though they've read, but they've also learned something. If you think this means I loved the novel, you would be wrong. It could be the time in which I read, but I found myself somewhat confused while reading. This is a book that takes focus, and I just didn't have that focus at the time of reading.

The novel starts by moving a bit freely in the time stream. We meet Aart - the widower and fisherman, Dirck - the professor looking to discover the ocean's secrets and Gemma - Dirck's lovesick assistant whose biological clock is pounding like a time bomb. Brisingamen, is a necklace that holds the ancient power of a goddess and can keep the humans from drilling for oil and saving the mystical land. Brisingamen is reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland in the respect that the characters are out of their element and fighting to survive. Kent gives the reader mystery, intrigue, sex, action and characters risking their lives for a greater good. Kent's writing is an immersive experience.

Brisingamen is a very cleanly written work of fiction. This reader didn't note any errors in formatting or language presentation and believes that this novel could easily hold its own with any entry in the fantasy genre in your local bookstore. The tone is slightly foreign in keeping with a foreign setting but will not ring as false to the ear of a modern reader.

This may sound like and in a sense is a rave review. I think a lot of people will really like the style and story. The presentation of the story line lends a reader to think toward popular fiction with deep undertones that seem to educate as read. Kent builds her characters subtly and her story isn't weighed down in exposition. There are a lot of characters and a lot of mystical lines to draw together. I believe the author successfully did so.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 266 Pages
  • File Size: 2,548 KB

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