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This "lively" New York Times-bestselling book "is worth the time of anyone trying to set him or herself apart in an ever-more competitive job market" (Publishers Weekly).

You already know how you see the world.

But do you know how the world sees you?

How is your personality most likely to impress and influence the person sitting on the other side of the desk or boardroom?

Once you know what makes you valuable to others, you're more authentic and confident, and more able to make a positive impression. It all begins with understanding how the world sees you -- at your best. How the World Sees You gives you the step-by-step method to describe yourself in just two or three words. This short phrase is your Anthem, the tagline for your personality. Your Anthem guides you like a mission statement, helping you to build your team, write a LinkedIn profile, or captivate an audience.

This book includes a private code to unlock one free Fascination Advantage® Personality Test. Your customized online report, based on Sally Hogshead's extensive research on what fascinates listeners, will reveal how you fascinate others, including

• Your top two Fascination Advantages in communication

• The personality Archetypes you need on your team to optimize your success

• The five words to describe your personality's highest value

To become more successful, you do not have to change who you are -- you have to become more of who you are. How the World Sees You reveals who you are at your best so you can create better relationships, grow your business, and become intensely valuable to those who matter most.

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  • We started tracking this book on May 9, 2015.
  • This book was £4.99 when we started tracking it.
  • The price of this book has changed 65 times in the past 3,520 days.
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  • The highest price to date was £25.99 last reached on April 9, 2024.
  • This book has been £25.99 one time since we started tracking it.


Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 453 Pages
  • File Size: 23,291 KB

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