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Clean Slate: A Detective Novel (Jim Knighthorse Book 4)

by (Rain Press)

(636 reviews)

£0.79 £2.35 Save 66%

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Private investigator Jim Knighthorse is hired to find out if Freddie Calgary, a popular actor, really did overdose and die two years ago?or, as some rumors suggest, faked his death and is on the run.

As always, Jim is up to the task... and in need of money. His surreal investigation soon turns into one big road trip as he follows the clues from Los Angeles to Sedona and finally to San Antonio, TX.

There, Jim is about to discover that not only can miracles happen, but the world is a far darker and creepier place than even he imagined. Luckily, Knighthorse doesn't scare easily...
Clean Slate is the fourth and final book in the Jim Knighthorse series of mystery novels. This series is jam-packed with one-liners, fist fights, gun fights, and a tough-as-nails detective with a heart of gold.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 283 Pages
  • File Size: 883 KB

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