



Publishing Talk Magazine helps you to write, publish and sell your books with insider advice from bestselling authors and industry experts.

Issue 5 has a science fiction and fantasy theme. 'High Priestess of British Steampunk' Liesel Schwarz reveals her path to publication, while self-published fantasy author Ben Galley reveals how he became a successful 'authorpreneur', and why he thinks print is still important - something that Anna Lewis agrees with, as she looks at reasons why self-publishing isn't all about digital. For traditional publishers, digital is sometimes seen as a dystopian nightmare - but Alastair Horne examines some ideas from science fiction that offer the promise of a positive future for publishing.

Keith Mansfield finds inspiration closer to home, seeing spaceships in the London skyline; writing coach Tom Evans suggests we can tap into ideas from the future; and author and creative writing lecturer Matthew de Abaitua offers advice on creating strange new worlds.

There's also advice from Nelle Andrew of PFD, who looks at what you can expect from working with a literary agent; and Suzanne Collier of has some great tips on a core career skill: networking. On the social media front, there are guides to producing online video and using WordPress categories and tags.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 60 Pages
  • File Size: 1,112 KB

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